Forums - Beating Sent Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Beating Sent ( Posted by TexMex on 02:06:2001 07:13 AM: Anybody got any advice on how to stop that annoying bitch. I can't seem to get around him and I should have no problems using Magneto, Storm, and Psylocke w/ all that mad air dasing but I still have trouble. Even when paired up against a sucky player who uses sent I'll find msyelf struggling very hard or even losing to them jsut b/c of him and I'm not THAT bad of a player. Anything will help, would specially appreciate tips from people who play sent and know his weakness and faulies. Peace. Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:06:2001 07:19 AM: Hey TexMex I've been trying to get a hold of you. Dr. Deelite talked about you. Sent can be a very large problem(literally) for Storm and Mag because of his super armor, escpially since Mag can't seem to get through a blocking Sent's armor very easily. Try and get close, than wait for him to make a move. At that point block and hit him with a Psylocke AAA and combo on from there. You play at Le Fun right? When? I could show you some stuff sometime if you like. I play Sent a lot and I know his strengths and weaknesses and what to look for. This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 02:06:2001 08:15 AM: good god!!! my ...just about ne one can take out sen, just have to patient Posted by Dr. Deelite on 02:06:2001 08:46 AM: I think we talked about this some, when we played...Magneto's, c.hp launcher chain isn't fast enough to blow through Sentinel's super armor. Storm's launchers are fast enough, though. With Storm, you can launch normally, if that's what you're going for. With Mags, you sometimes have to get creative. Like Darth said, that's where AAA comes in. Psylocke or Cyke AAA will snuff almost ANYTHING Sentinel does, and the good part about the Cyke assist is that it does it from full screen. Both AAAs blow through super armor and launch Sentinel, so from there you eat him. Also, Magneto's Hyper Grav and Storm's Hailstorm are great against Sentinel. If Sentinel is flying or jumping around attacking, occasional Hyper Gravs for no reason put a quick stop to his antics. Storm can run away very easily against Sent, also. Use Storm A as a wedge to get Magneto in close to Sentinel, and from there use your AAA to counter his attempts to push you out, and then kill him. Unfortunately, you're not going to be killing Sentinel with one air combo, due to his ungodly stamina. But two can do it, if you do it right. Oh, and don't get hit. Mags/Storm/Psylocke isn't exactly Colossus/Blackheart/Sentinel for stamina. One rocket punch combo and you'll be hustling to get Mags or Storm out. As far as Psylocke goes, I have no idea. Same with Cyke. Your team isn't supposed to get to that point anyway. Though Cyke has a great weapon against Sentinel; jab Optic Blast to SOB. Kind of the AHVB principle...Sentinel has a lot of lag. Use it against him. With that in mind, you could always add Cable to your team, somewhere. Posted by TexMex on 02:06:2001 09:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Hey TexMex I've been trying to get a hold of you. Dr. Deelite talked about you. Sent can be a very large problem(literally) for Storm and Mag because of his super armor, escpially since Mag can't seem to get through a blocking Sent's armor very easily. Try and get close, than wait for him to make a move. At that point block and hit him with a Psylocke AAA and combo on from there. You play at Le Fun right? When? I could show you some stuff sometime if you like. I play Sent a lot and I know his strengths and weaknesses and what to look for. <IMG SRC=""> This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! yeah whats up darth. Sentinel pisses me the fuck off! Today I lost to some scrub using him and I was just soooooo annoyed. Thanks again for the help to doc. I'm seriously thinking about changing to cyc as a third character and taking out psylocke, cause I think you're right that cyc is a better player on point, hes not hard to play either, I've played w/ him before just prob stay on ground though like you said for MvC2 since his launcher is Strong and not Fierce. He's probably a better battery too. I think I'll experiment with him a bit, that AAA from across the screen would come in handy...wait does it work all the way across the screen? or does it just have a longer reach than psylocke? Yeah darth, we need to get together sometime and play. I could use some help, thinking about hitting up that tourney in Houston so only have a month to get my shit together. I need to really work on my storm bigtime! I play so sucky with her. I'll try to bring her in more often. [This message has been edited by TexMex (edited 02-05-2001).] Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:06:2001 10:38 AM: Ok I think there are a couple posts around where I asked you when you play blah blah. Just give me a time and date for Le Fun and I'll be there. This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! Posted by kantele on 02:06:2001 11:00 AM: Is this the Le Fun on the UT campus in Austin? Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:06:2001 11:05 AM: Hell yeah. You play MvsC2 there? If so, when will you be there and what do you look like? After the Houston tourney I went to I really want to get Austin up and running in MvsC2, so I'm trying to get a hold of all the players who want to get better and the such. This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! Posted by kantele on 02:06:2001 11:12 AM: I play there every now and then when I stop by the union and I'm waiting for a pool table or a bowling lane. Usually I play at Lakeline Mall though...the machine there is great. Also 50 cents but the controls are better and it's a huge screen. I could drop by Le fun sometime though...tell me when you're next going and I'll see if I can make it. Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:06:2001 11:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by kantele: I play there every now and then when I stop by the union and I'm waiting for a pool table or a bowling lane. Usually I play at Lakeline Mall though...the machine there is great. Also 50 cents but the controls are better and it's a huge screen. I could drop by Le fun sometime though...tell me when you're next going and I'll see if I can make it. Perhaps I will go up there instead. I have heard much of this Lakeline Mall. How is the comp, and when would I expect most people to be there. Anyway I'm normally at Le Fun in the afternoon. I'm white, 6's, brown hair with glasses and I play Sent/Doom/BH. This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! Posted by kantele on 02:06:2001 11:30 AM: The comp is pretty bad, actually...I stomp everyone I play, except this one guy who absolutely raped me with Rogue. That was a while ago, though...haven't seen him since. Friday 7-9 and Saturday 7-9 or so is when most people are there. And I'm asian, 6'1", I play a lot of people, but my main team is cammy, sentinel, blackheart. Posted by SSF2T on 02:06:2001 12:38 PM: Hit him Defend Call Assist - but not when you are dying That's all it takes. Posted by viperRX on 02:06:2001 09:01 PM: jump over him, cos his crouching HP ==> robots/rocket punch ownz the game Posted by Pastries on 02:06:2001 09:07 PM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: [B] ...since his launcher is Strong and not Fierce... B] actually, cyclops has a forward -down fierce launcher. Posted by TexMex on 02:07:2001 10:15 AM: He has down-toward launcher eh? I did not know that, try that next time. Who do you guzy think would be a better match up against sent Psy or Cyc? I'm guessing Cyc since he has such a long reach, or should i give cable a try in my team? do you guyz think Mag/storm/cable would go well together? If i did use cable woudl i be able to combo off of his AAA? Posted by silenttiger on 02:07:2001 05:53 PM: I like people's comments about Cyclop's AAA. I think it's time he get's some respect. One strategy I use is to call in Cyclops' then do a hypergrav into Magnetic Shockwave. It only works a couple of times but the psychological advantage is that your opponenet will keep expecting you to do it so you can hit them with something else. Cyclops rushing combo isn't bad either against sentinel. I usually execute it from a blocking position anyway. Sentinel is usually open to this after he shoots out his drones. Let me know if this works for you. Knowledge = Power "A samurai lives his life with but one certainty; he must die: Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:07:2001 06:02 PM: I used to pick Psylocke as my AAA but I've changed to Cyke recently. Reason being not only that Cyke can chip better and has better stamina, but it you do the usual lk+Cyke, lk with Magneto crouching combo, if its blocked, Cyke keeps them in block stun so you get a free chance to dash in lk, triangle jump them or whatever. Psylocke can do this as her assist goes out too fast and isn't multi-hitting. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Pastries on 02:07:2001 10:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: He has down-toward launcher eh? actually, it's not very comboable since it is only a one shot kinda thing, you cant combo into it, if you do, you'll just get a fierce beam. i dont know about jump ins though, doubtful about that. oh yeah, cable has it too, down forward fierce launcher, very close up to do it. Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:07:2001 10:53 PM: All characters with a medium launcher have a down-toward(punch or kick) launcher. Trust me they all do. That way you don't have to do the light attack first to get it. <IMG SRC=""> This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! [This message has been edited by DarthSalamander (edited 02-07-2001).] Posted by Pastries on 02:08:2001 12:55 AM: he's right. Posted by TexMex on 02:08:2001 03:51 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: I used to pick Psylocke as my AAA but I've changed to Cyke recently. Reason being not only that Cyke can chip better and has better stamina, but it you do the usual lk+Cyke, lk with Magneto crouching combo, if its blocked, Cyke keeps them in block stun so you get a free chance to dash in lk, triangle jump them or whatever. Psylocke can do this as her assist goes out too fast and isn't multi-hitting. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... What do you mean by triangle jump? I'm not too down with the that jump dash to other side of them and hit so that you get a cross over thing goin? I'm definelty thinkin its about time to use cyc. Now the only person that I'm going to be truly strong w/ on my team though is mag until i can get storm and cyc up and goin. cyc isnt that hard to learn but storm, shes presenting me some problems, I can't seem to ever accomplish anything with her. I've heard that there are 2 basic strategies to playin storm: keep away and rush. How would you play rush storm seeing as how I love to combo. Posted by NooNoo on 02:08:2001 04:01 AM: Cable eats Sentinel alive. Posted by Clockw0rk on 02:08:2001 04:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by NooNoo: Cable eats Sentinel alive. That'd be true a couple months ago. And Sentinel is a cheater. =] - Clockw0rk Posted by NooNoo on 02:08:2001 04:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by Clockw0rk: That'd be true a couple months ago. Has something changed? Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:08:2001 04:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: What do you mean by triangle jump? I'm not too down with the that jump dash to other side of them and hit so that you get a cross over thing goin? I'm definelty thinkin its about time to use cyc. Now the only person that I'm going to be truly strong w/ on my team though is mag until i can get storm and cyc up and goin. cyc isnt that hard to learn but storm, shes presenting me some problems, I can't seem to ever accomplish anything with her. I've heard that there are 2 basic strategies to playin storm: keep away and rush. How would you play rush storm seeing as how I love to combo. You kind of have the idea on triangle jumping. Basically you jump up forward, then dash forward down over your opponent. The ground forms the bottom of the triangle. This way you can avoid a lot of AAA's and hopefully cross your opponent up. If you want to see rush Storm download the videos recently posted here. Lots of air dashing, wavedashing, taking advantge of an opponent's atack, etc. and use a good AAA to set up combos. This place is a paradise compared to the harsh Amazon! Posted by Dr. Deelite on 02:08:2001 04:23 AM: TexMex: Go here And check the topics in the fighting forum. And register. And post. You too, Darth. Posted by TexMex on 02:08:2001 08:25 AM: Ok. So say im using cyc AAA instead of psylocke right. Now if I call his assist can I do a hyper grav w/ magneto at the time cyc hits them and have it work? Also when cyc hits them and I rush at them to combo them in air do I have to super jump or will regular jump suffice? What do other mag/storm players usually do? You should know Doc, you raped me using this assist. Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:08:2001 11:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: What do you mean by triangle jump? I'm not too down with the that jump dash to other side of them and hit so that you get a cross over thing goin? I'm definelty thinkin its about time to use cyc. Now the only person that I'm going to be truly strong w/ on my team though is mag until i can get storm and cyc up and goin. cyc isnt that hard to learn but storm, shes presenting me some problems, I can't seem to ever accomplish anything with her. I've heard that there are 2 basic strategies to playin storm: keep away and rush. How would you play rush storm seeing as how I love to combo. A triangle jump is basically a sj XX into an air dash down-toward. You can use this to attack from behind OR in front for some major confusion. The height at which you cancel into the air dash also determines if you cause certain assist to miss or not. All in all... the triangle jump is Magneto's best friend. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:08:2001 12:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: Ok. So say im using cyc AAA instead of psylocke right. Now if I call his assist can I do a hyper grav w/ magneto at the time cyc hits them and have it work? Also when cyc hits them and I rush at them to combo them in air do I have to super jump or will regular jump suffice? What do other mag/storm players usually do? You should know Doc, you raped me using this assist. The hypergrav thingie works. But you're better off just sjing at Sent and comboing off Cyke. Hypergrav comes out too slow and travels in only 1 direction to be reliable. Reason being Cyke is causing changes in positions to Sentinel. If you ever learn it, you can just start Mag's infinite on Sent off Cyke. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by TexMex on 02:08:2001 12:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: The hypergrav thingie works. But you're better off just sjing at Sent and comboing off Cyke. Hypergrav comes out too slow and travels in only 1 direction to be reliable. Reason being Cyke is causing changes in positions to Sentinel. If you ever learn it, you can just start Mag's infinite on Sent off Cyke. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... KOo koo...thnx. SO how would I go about performing mag's infinite? I've heard that another good thing to do is to AAA assist, hyper grav XX magnetic tempest, d.roundhouse, d.fierce, then go into magnetic tempest air combo. Is that do-able? Or do you OTG off of the ground mag tempest w/ d.short? Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:08:2001 06:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex: KOo koo...thnx. SO how would I go about performing mag's infinite? I've heard that another good thing to do is to AAA assist, hyper grav XX magnetic tempest, d.roundhouse, d.fierce, then go into magnetic tempest air combo. Is that do-able? Or do you OTG off of the ground mag tempest w/ d.short? I think I've explained Mag's rejump infinite on Sent about 1000000 times now. Search around and I'm sure you'll find it. Just use the "search" feature. As for that combo you mentioned... AAA to hypergrav XX tempest does work... but the part after it wouldn't. Its impossible to combo a hp after a hk. The guy probably meant and not Anyway, the basic rule with Magneto is anytime you get an OTG opportunity, you launch and combo. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... All times are GMT. The time now is 01:04 AM. Show all 31 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.